Prof. Claude Hillinger, Ph.D.




Dynamic Disequilibrium Modeling

with Barnett, W. A. and Gandolfo, G. (eds.), Cambridge University Press, 1996

Cyclical Growth in Market and Planned Economies

Editor, Oxford, Clarendon Press,1992

Ökonomische Theorie der Politik

with Holler, : J. (eds.), Munich, Verlag Moderne Industrie,1979


Money metric, price and quantity aggregation and welfare measurement

to be published by: Contributions to Macroeconomics (2003)

On chained price and quantity measures that are additively consistent

Journal of Economic and Social Measurement (2002), 28, 1 & 2, 1-20

Money metric, consumer surplus and welfare measurement

German Economic Review (2001) 2, 2, 177-193

Dynamic disequilibrium economics: history, conceptual foundations, possible futures

in Barnett et al. (1996), 27-65

The disequilibrium dynamics of the balance of payments and the dollar cycle

with Konrad, Anton, Journal of International and Comparative Economics (1993), 2, 279-299

Paradigm change and scientific method in the study of economic fluctuations

in Hillinger (1992), 5-46

The methodology of empirical science

in Hillinger (1992), 47-60

The stylized facts of macroeconomic fluctuations

with Sebold-Bender, M., in Hillinger (1992)

The quantitative and qualitative explanation of macroeconomic investment and production cycles

with Reiter, M., in Hillinger (1992)

Micro foundations of the second-order accelerator and of cyclical behavior

with Reiter, M. and Weser, T., in Hillinger (1992), 167-180

Identifying discrete cycles in economic data: Maximum entropy spectra and the direct fitting of sinusoidal functions

with Sebold, Monika, in Skilling J (ed.), Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Amsterdam (1989), 321-329

The role of inventory and equipment investment in economic fluctuations

in Chikan, A. (ed.), Progress in Inventory Research, 55-60, Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest (1989)

Die Aggregationsproblematik in der Konjunkturtheorie

with Weser, Thilo, Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik (1988), 204, 4

Aggregation and parametric resonance in business cycle theory

with Weser, Thilo, in. Chikan; A, and Lovell M.C., (eds.), The Economics of Inventory Management (1988), 169-182, Elsevier Publishers, Amsterdam

The aggregation problem in business cycle theory

with Weser, Thilo, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control (1988), 12, 37-40

Konjunkturschwankungen der Aggregate der VGR in 10 OECD-Ländern

with Reich, Utz and Wehner, Gerhard, Jahrbücher fur Nationalökonomie und Statistik (1987), 203, 3, 217-224

Business cycle stylized facts and explanatory models

Journal of Economic, Dynamics and Control (1987), 11, 257-263

Keynes and business cycles

in Gandolfo G. and Marzano F.(eds.), Essays in Memory of Vittorio Marama, Giuffre, Milano (1987)

Theorie und Empirie der Konjunkturzyklen

Konjunkturpolitik (1986), 32, 3, 101-129

Business cycle stylized facts and explanatory models

in Martos B. (ed.) Modeling and Control of National Economies, 67-73, IFAC, Budapest (1986)

Inventory cycle and equipment cycle interaction

in Chikán A. (ed.), Inventories in Theory and Practice, 129-161, Elsevier, Amsterdam (1986)

Business cycles are alive and well

Economics Letters (1982), 9, 133-137

An empirical test of Metzler's hypothesis regarding the nature of short-run cyclical fluctuation

in Kyn O.and Schrettl, W. (eds.), On the Stability of contemporary Economic Systems, 88-97, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, G6ttingen (1979)

Consumption and the rate of interest under the permanent income hypothesis

Munich Social Science Review (1979) 1, 35-42

Die Bedeutung normativer Postulate in der ökonomischen Theorie der Politik

in Hillinger and Holler (1979)

Cyclical fluctuations of the German economy: A continuous-time econometric model

with Schüler, K., Munich Social Science Review (1978), 2, 75-87

Gesamtwirtschaftliche Konjunktur- zyklen und die Ökonometrie kontinuierlicher Systeme

with Schüler, K., Methods of Operations Research (1978), 29, 559-574

Makrookönomische Modelle des Wachstumszyklus

with Schüler, K., in Albach; H., Helmstadter, E. and Henn, R.,Quantitative Wirtschaftsforschung, 321-344, J.C.B. Mohr, Tübingen (1977)

Sales maximization as an explanation of near Pareto optimality of the U.S. economy

Jahrbücher für Nationalokonomie und Statistik (1973), 187, 4, 364-367

Cylical fluctuations in the U.S. economy

with Bennet, J. and Benoit, M.L., Dynamic Modeling and Control of National Economies, 373-388, IEE Conference Publication Number 101, (1973)

Citations, references and the growth of scientific literature: A model of dynamic interaction

with Krauze, T., Journal of the American Society for Information Science (1971), 333-336

Voting on issues and on platforms

Behavioral Science (1971) 16, 564-566

Comment on invariance axioms and economic indexes

Econometrica (1970), 38, 5, 773-774

The design of economic policy, or learning by doing

Journal of Economic Issues (1970), 4, 4, 90-93

Imperfect competition with unknown demand

with Hadar, J., The Review of Economic Studies (1969) 36, 4, 519-525

Testing econometric models by means of time series analysis

Lecture Notes in Operations Research and Mathematical economics (1969), 12, 432-440

The impossibility of a Paretian liberal: Comment by two who are unreconstructed

with Lapham, V., Journal of Political Economy (1968), 1403-1405

Stock-flow adjustment and distributed lags

Indian Economic Journal (1968), 15, 442-453

The measurement of utility

Review of Economic Studies (1969), 36, 1, 111-116

A generalization of the principle of causality, which makes it applicable to evolutionary systems

Synthese (1968), 18, 68-74

An econometric model of mild business cycles

Manchester School of Economics and Social Studies (1966), 34, 269-284