Zerlegung ökonomischer Zeitreihen. Ein deterministischer und stochastischer Ansatz

by Ralf Pauly and Ekkehart Schlicht

Allgemeines Statistisches Archiv  1984, vol. 68(2), 161-175


The paper discusses a new seasonality hypothesis which is one part of a weighted regression approach for the decomposition of a time series into a trend, a seasonal component and an irregular component. It is shown that there exists a regression formulation leading, as in the descriptive approach in Schlicht (1981), to a unique decomposition withouit having recourse to initial values. It turns out that both solutions to the descriptive regression are conditional expected values in the stochastic specification. The decomposition as well as predciction are illustrated by examples.

Keywords: seasonal adjustment, weighted regression, seasonality, smoothing, spline, descriptive decomposition



Professor Dr. Ekkehart Schlicht: Veröffentlichungen/Publications
